Nobel Prize

Nobel Prize

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced the Nobel Prizes in Chemistry, Physics, Medicine and Literature.

The Nobel Prize for Chemistry has been awarded to David Baker for commutation protein design and to Demis Hassabis and John Jumper for protein structure.

The Nobel Prize for Physics has been awarded to John Hawfield and Geoffrey Hinton for the discovery of artificial neural networks that enable machine learning.

The Nobel Prize for Medicine has been awarded to Victor Ambrose and Gary Rukun for the discovery of microRNA.

This year’s Nobel Prize for Literature has been awarded to South Korean writer Han Kang.

The names of Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson and Gemma A Robinson were announced for the Nobel Prize in Economic Science. The three scientists have studied the ‘formation of organizations and how they affect prosperity’.

Japan’s organization ‘Nihon Hidankyo’ was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2024. They were given this honor for running a campaign against nuclear weapons in the world.


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