I-start Rajasthan

I-start Rajasthan

Rajasthan is one of the leading states in the country to launch startup programs.

The state government has set up a web portal www. istart.rajasthan.gov.in has been installed. It is a one stop gateway to all the incentives.

Rural youth will be given incentives of Rs 5 lakh under the IStart programme. All the 7 divisional headquarters of the state have been prepared as incubation centers to implement the policy.

The Incubation Center is like an institute, where startups will be given all kinds of support at the primary stage.

The government will create a venture capital fund of 75 crores to distribute money to new startups through these incubation centers. Its name is Rajasthan Innovation Vision (Rajiv) Fund. Startup money will be approved from this fund. In the budget 2022-23, the government had announced the setting up of a ‘Rajiv-75’ fund of ₹ 75 crore for startup development.

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