THE NATIONAL FLAG OF INDIA WHY IN NEWS:- 1. Union government launched HAR GHAR TIRANGA campaign for 75th independence day (AZADI KA AMRITMAHOTSAV) . It proposes every building and residence with tricolor flag hoisting (THE NATIONAL FLAG OF INDIA). 2. A revised flag code of India 2002 has come into effect. facts related to Tiranga (THE NATIONAL FLAG OF INDIA):- Accepted in its present form (tricolor with wheel at center) at a constituent assembly meeting on 22 July 1947. It is one of the national symbol of India. Designed by Pingali venkayya as swaraj flag. Later after many changes it was accepted in its present form. Constitutional provisions: mentioned in article 51A(a) of the Fundamental duties. Statutory Provisions- . . Emblems and Names (prevention of improper use) act,1950. . Flag code of India. . The prevention of insults to national honor act, 1971. Recent changes in the flag code of India- . Its amendment allowed the use of polyester apart from cotton, wool, silk or khadi for making hand-spun, hand-woven and machine-made flags. Earlies the use of machine and polyester was not allowed. . It also allows the national flag to be displayed in open or on the house of public member in day and night. Earlier it was allowed only from sunrise to sunset. THE NATIONAL FLAG OF INDIA