GAIL India will explore oil, natural gas in Barmer-Jaisalmer Exploration of oil and natural gas in the Barmer-Jaisalmer region will be done by GAIL India, a Government of India undertaking. Exploration and production of minerals crude oil, natural gas, coal bed methane and shale gas will be done by GAIL India. The block has been allotted to GAIL India under the Open Acreage Licensing Policy. Rajasthan ranks first in the country in mineral oil production in the inland area. At present, petroleum and gas are being produced in the state by ONGC and Oil India in Barmer and Jaisalmer areas. For this, 9 licenses have been issued to ONGC and 2 to Oil India. Similarly, 16 licenses have been issued for petroleum exploration. Subscribe For Rajasthan Current Affairs in English Download Monthly Current Affairs Pdfs