Chief Minister Shri Ashok Gehlot has taken an innovative initiative in the direction of realizing the concept of ‘Nirogi Rajasthan’ in the state. For the first time in the country, the State Government has implemented ‘Blindness Control Policy’ with the objective of ‘Right to Sight Vision’.
The Medical and Health Department released the policy document for the prevention of blindness. This policy has been brought with the aim of bringing light to the lives of more than 3 lakh visually impaired people in the state.
The blindness prevalence rate in the country was 1-1% in the year 2020, which will be tried to bring it down to 0.3% with the help of ‘Right to Sight Vision Policy’.
Under the policy, keratoplasty centers and eye-banks will compulsorily operate in all government medical colleges.
Corneas collected by private and non-governmental organizations will be made available to government institutions on priority.
A campaign for eye donation will be launched in the districts in collaboration with voluntary organizations, trusts, hospitals and other charitable organizations.
Training will be given to eye specialists, medical students, counselors for eye donation.
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